Friday, August 14, 2009

Salmon Croquettes

Salmon Croquettes Recipe:

Canned salmon was one of the cheaper fish that wecould get while growing up in the 1940's ,unless you caught your own fish. My grandmother often bought canned pink salmon or canned mackeral. Withthe mackeral she often stirred them into some fried onion, simmer the mixture, and we ate it over rice. With the salmon, she formed patties, fried them and we called them salmon croquettes.

Here is the recipe I use for that:


1 12 oz can pink salmon

2 Whole eggs

1/4 cup chopped onion

1/4 cup all purpose flour

2 tablespoons yellow corn meal

1/2 teaspoon salt (depending upon thebrand and how much salt is in it you can leave this out if you want.

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

You basically pour all of the ingredients intoa large bowl and mix them. A large spoon or a potato masher worked fine. I add the flour last because I sometimes adust the amount to control the consistency. Mold the dough-like mix that youend up with into patties (like thick home made hamburgers).Coat a frying pan with a little cooking oil. Crisco works just fine. Preheat the oiled pan over medium heat. Slip the patties into the pan, fitting as many as you can but leaving room to turn them. Cook until medium brown on one side, then turn over anddo the same to the other side.I enjoyed eating these hot fresh out of the pan along with rice, maybe some corn or butter beans,and sweetened iced tea. There are many species of salmon (red,pink, king, silver, chum, etc). Each has a different taste based mainly upon how firm the meat is and how much fat is in the meat. I learned to prepare salmon a lot of other ways but croquettes is still one of my favorite.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! I'm making a wartime ration fish casserole tonight for dinner with home smoked salmon! Thanks for the recipes.
